Divine Kundalini Energy is in each individual and is known as our Creative/Sexual Energy. It is not at all something to use destructively and it is advised to gain information and techniques to encourage the transmutation and innerstand the intimate wisdom of this energy in a safe way. Always follow your intuition and heart when discerning information.
Kundalini (Life Force Energy)
Kundalini (Life Force)
In New Age Hindu philosophy, Kundalini is seen as the life force, the divine energy that lies at the core of our being. It's often referred to as the "Serpent Power" due to its coiled appearance at the base of the spine. This latent energy is believed to represent the ultimate connection between the individual and the cosmic consciousness, the divine source from which all life emerges. The process of Kundalini awakening is considered a profound spiritual awakening. It involves the ascent of this dormant energy up the spine, symbolizing the awakening of higher states of consciousness. This awakening is not merely a physiological phenomenon but a metaphysical journey, aligning the individual with their true spiritual nature.
Nadis: Energy Channels
In the metaphysical framework, the human body is believed to be traversed by a complex network of energy channels known as Nadis. Three primary Nadis are particularly relevant to Kundalini awakening:
1. Ida Nadi (Lunar Energy): Ida represents the lunar or feminine aspect of energy. It is associated with the left side of the body and is often depicted as a gentle, cool, and nurturing energy flow. Ida is connected to our emotional and intuitive nature. When activated, it can lead to heightened sensitivity and receptivity.
2. Pingala Nadi (Solar Energy): Pingala, on the other hand, embodies the solar or masculine energy. It flows predominantly through the right side of the body and is characterized by its warm, active, and analytical nature. It is linked to our intellect and reasoning abilities. Activation of Pingala can lead to increased mental clarity and focus.
3. Shushumna Nadi (Central Energy Channel): Shushumna is considered the central channel that runs along the spine. It is the conduit through which Kundalini energy rises during awakening. When both Ida and Pingala are in balance, the Shushumna awakens, allowing for the harmonious flow of Kundalini energy. This activation is at the core of the spiritual transformation associated with Kundalini awakening.
In New Age Hindu philosophy, the awakening of Kundalini and the balancing of Nadis hold profound metaphysical significance:
1. Union of Polarities: The awakening process symbolizes the union of the polarities represented by Ida and Pingala. It's the merging of the feminine and masculine energies within, fostering a sense of inner balance and wholeness.
2. Activation of Higher Chakras: Kundalini awakening leads to the activation of the higher chakras, energy centers within the body. This journey is believed to transcend the physical realm, expanding consciousness into the spiritual dimensions.
3. Spiritual Evolution: The ultimate goal of Kundalini awakening is spiritual evolution and self-realization. It's a path toward recognizing one's divine nature and connecting with the universal consciousness.
4. Transformation: The awakening process can be intensely transformative, often accompanied by profound mystical experiences, heightened intuition, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with all of existence.
5. Healing and Purification: Many practitioners believe that Kundalini awakening brings about physical and emotional healing, as well as the purification of the mind and spirit.
Preparation and Caution: Kundalini awakening is a powerful and potentially overwhelming experience. It is advised to approach it with caution and under the guidance of experienced teachers or spiritual mentors. Unprepared or hasty attempts to awaken Kundalini can lead to disruptive physical and psychological effects. Do your research!
Kundalini (Life Force)
In Western Esoteric traditions, our Kundalini Energy is like the Nile River. It is associated with the Divine Mother, the Serpent surrounding the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad (Sexual Energy/Feminine/Eve). Through working with the Kundalini in a safe way and gaining accurate knowledge we are able to lead this coiled serpent up the tree (spine) to our Tree of Life (Mind/Crown/Kether/Father/Adam) and unite our two polarities into one Androgynous Divine Union of self. This leads us into incarnating the Internal Buddha, Christ, etc. There are many sacred texts and examples of paths of mastery requiring the energy of Kundalini. Check the resources below.
As many begin to ascend and awaken, humanity will continue to evolve at higher layers and resonate with higher dimensional ways of being and thinking. Truth will begin to come out and darkness will rise before it falls. We must be very careful what we consume and listen to our heart spaces more that anything else. One large misconception about Kundalini is that upon waking this force it immediately rises and the individual is awakened. To truly awaken and raise the kundalini is an intensive and lengthy journey of purification of mind, body, and soul. It is often recommended to work alongside a guru when on this path. Sexual energy is often misinterpreted and misused in an era of media, sexualized content, and pleasure seeking energy everywhere. Paths focused on Kundalini are going to become more mainstream with time as we head deeper into this new age and remember the value and power of our Life Force. Follow what makes your heart sing. If you are interested in learning more, I recommend you check out the Sacred Texts section and Arcanum A.Z.F Section of the site.

"Those who attempt to awaken the Kundalini by Asanas and Pranayama, should have purity in thought, word and deed. They should have mental and physical Brahmacharya. Then only they can enjoy the benefits of awakening the Kundalini." - Swami Sivananda, The Science of Pranayama
"The decisive factor in the progress, development and evolution of the Kundalini is ethics." - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of Beelzebub
"The ascent of the Kundalini along the spinal cord is achieved very slowly in accordance with the merits of the heart. The fires of the heart control the miraculous development of the sacred serpent. Devi Kundalini is not something mechanical as many suppose; the igneous serpent is only awakened with genuine love." - Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Flower​
Pranayama (Breathwork)
If you are interested in the path of awakening your Kundalini or believe that you are going through a Kundalini awakening, Pranayama will be your best friend. There a many different Pranayama techniques to utilize and I recommend diving into those. There are a few different types of specific Transmutation based Breath work exercises that can assist you in your process of raising Kundalini as you begin. I recommend two breath work exercises that I found to be a pinnacle in the beginning of my journey. It is important that you set aside time within your day where you are able to practice meditation/breath work on your journey. Both of these take approximately 10-15 minutes. I recommend at Sunrise and Sunset, specifically the Egyptian Christic Pranayama Technique.
Egyptian Christic Pranayama (Copied Directly from Glorian.org)
Esoteric Exercise of Pranayama for Men
1. The disciple places himself in a chair or on the floor with his face directed towards the East.
2. The disciple prays to his Divine Mother with complete devotion and sincerity asking that she awaken him, awaken his Kundalini.
3. The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line. Do not lean your body to the front, to the back or to one side. The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural position.
4. The mind of the disciple should be directed towards his Innermost, his Divine Mother, loving her, adoring her.
5. Close your eyes so that the matters from the physical world do not distract you.
6. Cover or close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Mentally vocalize the mantra “TON.”* At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of your left nostril.
7. Now, close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Hold your breath; retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the temple of Ephesus (the Chakra situated in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) in order to awaken the Kundalini and mentally pronounce the mantra “SA.”
8. Now exhale slowly from the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
9. Now close the left nostril with your index finger.
10. Inhale the life, the Prana, through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” Close both of your nostrils with your index finger and your thumb and retain the breath. Mentally vocalize the mantra “RA.” Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.
11. Exhale slowly through the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
12. This constitutes one complete pranayama.
13. Repeat this complete process six more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).
14. The devotee will kneel on the ground.
15. Once he is on the ground the devotee places the palms of his hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.
16. Prostrated on the ground, with his body inclined forward, with his head facing the East, and filled with supreme veneration he then places his forehead on his hands, Egyptian style.
17. Next, with his powerfully creative word, the disciple vocalizes the mantra “RA,” the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.
Esoteric Exercise of Pranayama for Women
1. The disciple places herself in a chair or on the floor with her face directed towards the East.
2. With complete devotion and sincerity, the disciple prays to her Divine Mother asking that she awaken her; awaken her Kundalini.
3. The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line. Do not lean your body to the front, to the back or to one side. The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural position.
4. The mind of the disciple should be directed towards her Innermost, her Divine Mother, loving her, adoring her.
5. Close your eyes so that the matters of the physical world do not distract you.
6. Cover or close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of the right nostril.
7. Now, close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Hold your breath; retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the temple of Ephesus (the Chakra situated in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) to awaken the Kundalini and mentally pronounce the mantra “SA.”
8. Now exhale slowly from the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
9. Next, close the right nostril with the thumb.
10. Inhale the life, the Prana through the left nostril, mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” Close both of your nostrils with the index finger and the thumb and retain the breath and mentally vocalize the mantra “RA.” Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.
11. Exhale slowly through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”
12. This constitutes one complete pranayama.
13. Repeat this complete process six more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).
14. The devotee will kneel on the ground.
15. Once she is on the ground the devotee then places the palms of her hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.
16. Prostrated on the ground, with her body inclined forward, with her head facing the East, and filled with supreme veneration, she then places her forehead on her hands, Egyptian style.
17. Next, with her powerful creative word, the disciple vocalizes the Mantra “RA,” the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.
I recommend copying this into your notes to guide you as you begin utilizing these practices.